Saturday, December 3, 2011

Organizational Analysis and Development - First Meeting

We had our first meeting in Organizational Analysis and met our instructor whom is Sir RSG. We discussed first the basics and fundamental concepts of an organization. We also identify the difference of a Manager and a Leader. I was asked which of the two is a teacher. I answered "A teacher should be a manager" with conviction. But I was surprised that a teacher should not be a manager and he/she should be a leader to his/her students. We discuss SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) which is a tool for evaluating an organization. We also discuss the different layers of strategic planning.

What struck me most was our discussion in VMGO (Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives) beacuse it made me realized how significant it is as a member of a certain organization. After that, I planned to memorize and embrace our VMGO in Brokenshire college.

I end up to be the one organizing the topics to be shared by different groups. I created a facebook group to be our repository of files and other information in regards to our sharing and our subject. Here is the link: UIC-Org Analysis